Fast as lightning!

Whoa! I just got through my Lightning Speak about eobjects.org and DataCleaner at the Open Source Days '08 conference about an hour ago. It was a great experience - very fun and kinda stressing (in the good, "get to the point"-kinda way) to have an alarm clock counting down for your 15 minutes of fame!

And in deed my presentation was very closely to the point. I wanted to tell people about the great creative projects at eobjects.org and especially about DataCleaner and the MetaModel project, which I dubbed a "derivative" project. My speak also quickly sketched the domain of data quality and people where nodding when I concluded that they all should download DataCleaner and give their datasources a quick profile the next time they worked on their projects.

You can download my slides here: http://eobjects.org/resources/download/opensourcedays.pdf

Unfortunately the format of the Ligthning Speak didn't allow for much time for comments and questions from the audience, but I hope and think that they had a good time!

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